Board Members
Ali Michael, Executive Director
Jacqueline Berry, Secretary
Judy Osborne, Board Member
Eleonora Bartoli, Board Member
Ali Michael
Ali Michael works with schools and organizations across the country to help make research on race, Whiteness, and education more accessible and relevant to educators. Ali is the author of Raising Race Questions: Whiteness, Inquiry and Education (Teachers College Press, 2015), winner of the 2017 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award. She is co-editor of the bestselling Everyday White People Confront Racial and Social Injustice: 15 Stories (2015, Stylus Press) and the bestselling Guide for White Women who Teach Black Boys (2017, Corwin Press). Ali sits on the editorial board of the journal Whiteness and Education. In addition to her work as the Co-Founder and Director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, Ali teaches in the Diversity and Inclusion Program at Princeton University as well as the Equity Institutes for Higher Education from the University of Southern California. Ali’s article, What do White Children Need to Know About Race?, co-authored with Dr. Eleonora Bartoli in Independent Schools Magazine, won the Association and Media Publishing Gold Award for Best Feature Article in 2014. When she is not writing, speaking, or training, Ali is striving to be an anti-racist co-parent to two amazing young kids.
Judy Osborne
Judy Osborne is a cultural strategist and facilitator with expertise in project management, youth advocacy, equity programming and training, as well as DEI team building and practice. An integral part of her student and faculty engagement work centers documentary film and popular media as tools for starting meaningful conversations and building relationships that help communities grow. Her extensive resource curating equips and empowers individuals to take charge of their own learning and develop practical skills as a framework for systemic change. She is the former Director of Equity & Inclusion Programs at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, Georgia, a proud graduate of Rutgers University and is working hard learning to play guitar.
Eleonora Bartoli
Eleonora Bartoli, Ph.D., is a consultant and licensed psychologist, specializing in trauma, resilience-building, and multicultural/social justice counseling. She earned her Ph.D. in Psychology: Human Development/Mental Health Research from the University of Chicago in 2001. After receiving her clinical license in 2005, she opened a small independent practice, which she has held since. After 15 years in academia (12 of those years as the director of a Masters in counseling program), she became a full-time consultant. Her mission is to share the tools of counseling and psychology in support of social justice work.
Throughout her career, Dr. Bartoli has held leadership positions in professional organizations at both the state and national levels. She has also presented at numerous conferences and is the author of a number of publications focused on multicultural counseling competence, white racial socialization, and the integration of social justice principles in evidence-based counseling practices (please see her website,, for details). Dr. Bartoli has been the recipient of academic awards, including the Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching and the Provost Award for Outstanding Advising and Mentoring. The Gillem-Bartoli Alum Award for Contributions to Social Justice was established to honor hers and a colleague’s contributions in their role as activist-scholars within academia. In all her work, Dr. Bartoli integrates an understanding of neuroscience, focusing on how it informs symptom development as well as healing and resilience-building strategies.
Jacqueline Berry
Jacqueline currently calls Philadelphia home. Here she worked for several years in fair trade, homeless services, disability advocacy, and on a river clean up project. She currently works with Educating for Equity, The Race Institute for K-12 Educators, and is also a project coordinator for Palestine Writes Literature Festival. Jacqueline lives with the intention that her lifestyle choices, work, activism and volunteerism all contribute to social, environmental and economic justice for a more equitable and sustainable world.